Maybe a bit long, but please read it carefully, all of it. It will really help to enhance your gaming fun.
And who cares about the few extra minutes, it's not like you will finish the whole riddle in an hour or a day or so anyway. It would even surprise me if the first finisher does it in a week (or two :P)
This is a so called change-the-url-riddle, meaning: if you think you know the answer of a level you replace a part of the url (that what's in the address bar on top of this page). The part you change is the very last part. If looking up, you'll see that part is now 'instructions' and on the start page it's 'riddlemetool'.
Let's do a little test, an exercise in answering. Replace the word: instructions by the word: answer and then click enter.
I guess you're back here now, so well done :)
Now let's talk wrong answers (I know you're smart but it can happen). With a wrong answer you don't get a page made by me, but the general 'Wix can't find that url' page, the one with the cat. No panic, just go back (back arrow browser) and try a better answer.
Besides just plain wrong answers, something else can go wrong because there are a few rules:
- Do not use spaces in your answer!
- Do not use capital letters in your answer!
- Do not use numbers or other characters/punctuation/etc in your answer!
- So in fact, only use the 26 lowercase letters of the alphabet and NO SPACES.
- For example, if you think the answer is: The Big 7, then you put this in the url: thebigseven
Sometimes Wix is a bit lagging. Please don't get mad at me or Wix, just be happy with the free fun. Anyway, if so, then usually the picture (as far as I remember every page has a pic) isn't showing (sometimes no text either). No panic, just refresh or really refresh (Ctrl-F5) the page and/or try another browser, or, worst case, you'll have to try later. You could also (if you are using that) disable adblock, but basically Wix should also work with adblock.
Wix changed a bit since the last time I used it. The pictures are often not jpeg or png anymore, but the extension webp. You can't open that with a graphics program, so on some levels I made the pictures clickable to get a format you can use.
What's also changed is; Wix doesn't give the pictures long, random gibberish names anymore, so this time I had to give them real names. Well, in 99% of the cases the names do not have extra info to solve the levels, but sometimes a tiny extra hint is there.
There are 5 kind of eggs.
1) It just says 'egg'. This means you're on the right track, but you'll have to find more, or combine things etc etc.
2) 'Confirmation egg' Some extra service. You can check if sub-answers for a level are correct.
3) 'Rotten egg' Means you fell into the trap I set, you used the wrong method or you just gave a stupid answer I could predict you were going to give :P
4) 'Rotten egg, but with a confirmation eggy' Means you gave a completely wrong answer, but you probably used the right method for at least a bit and/or you used the right (part of) information.
5) 'Anagram egg' Means you found the correct letters, but you didn't give the anagram I wanted. This only goes for real anagrams. I didn't make pages with every silly (almost no English anymore), anagram word you can come up with.
Actually there is a 6th kind of egg, but those ones are not important for the level, they're only there for fun and/or interesting information.
Maybe (or maybe not) you have to search within a riddle to find an answer for a level. So please DO BOOKMARK every level and egg. Or even better, do not only make bookmarks, but please DO MAKE NOTES too. And even if not needed for some sneaky level near the end :P, it's needed to go on playing the next day (game doesn't save and can't be saved). Besides, it makes helping other players way easier. And helping other players is what you will do! Lol, who doesn't help and hint others, doesn't get help in return and for sure nobody can finish on their own :P
Most important rule: BE POLITE, but right after that: DO NOT GIVE FULL ANSWERS (even not upside down or with rot13 or with spoiler or whatever way). Please do hint and help a lot, but always start with subtle hints. Later on the hints can be more explicit (keep in mind EG24 allows way bigger hints than Nordinho does).
Please start every comment (doesn't go for just funny and/or general comments) with what level you're asking for or what level you are helping with.
Use this format: LVL I, LVL II, LVL III, LVL XV, LVL XVIII etc etc. It will make searching for help for you and other players (in case this riddle gets a lot of comments, and it will :P) way and way easier.
Basically the chatbox is not for helping. It's for getting to know each other, to talk about the riddle in general, to hang out, to have fun etc. etc. But... when completely desperate and the hints/help are getting way too spoilery for the comments you can go to the chatbox to give huge, spoon-fed hints there (STILL NO ANSWERS), but only as an exception, in general you play in the comments!
All the information you need to solve a level is on the level itself (text and/or picture) and sometimes you'll need a tiny bit of Google. There is NO INFORMATION IN THE SOURCE. Basically there is no information in the pic name, but a few levels do contain a tiny hint there.
Use all the basic riddle tricks you know, like first letters, anagramming, numbers to letters, picking letters, hidden text, ciphers etc etc. But do remember it's a small-tool riddle! So no vague Google guessing and/or vague ciphers and/or vague alphabets and/or the use of fancy software and stuff. It's always simple, basic riddling, but often with a (original) twist. Huge advice: DO NOT OVERTHINK and DO NOT MAKE UP YOUR OWN HINTS.
Well, fasten your seatbelts, it's going to be a bumpy ride, but for sure with as much fun as I had while creating this monster.
G O O D L U C K A N D H A V E F U N :)