The Halfway There Heroes
Hating or loving the fact it's more than the
50 levels promised.

01 Donas 14-04-2019 Thanks for a challenging and entertaining. 0 1
50 levels, I'm absolutely excited to have more!
02 Ellie 14-04-2019 Well, of course i hate to love the fact this riddle isn't over. 0 1
I love when a riddle is made of logical levels, original ideas,
and a huge amount of cheeky eggs. Perfect riddle for me
(but I might take that back in a few days depending on what will come lol).
03 LinR 14-04-2019 It is Clever, Witty and Tricky as hell. - -
04 Edgar 14-04-2019 Great riddle!! I do love it that it will go on and on... 0 1
05 Epresto 15-04-2019 Of course I love the fact that it's not over yet. 0 1
Love it so far, lots of fun levels and funny eggs.
Now I'm looking forward to getting to a very evil maze (maybe) ;)
In any case, I'm really happy to play a live ST riddle!, I'm absolutely
excited to have more!
06 CeeBee 15-04-2019 I'm very happy that the riddle is not over, 0 1
in fact hope you are working on the next 100 levels LOL!
As always, I am enjoying the riddle immensely. Love the logic of the levels,
nothing is left to to guesswork. Great job!!
07 Mtatt100 15-04-2019 - -
08 Veri 16-04-2019 Halfway milestone. Very creative! - -
09 ShaharC 16-04-2019 Thanks for the riddle (so far), I always enjoy your riddles. 0 1
I love the fact that there is more to go - I always expect
that deviousness from you :)
10 aaaasa 16-04-2019 I really love the fact that the riddle is not over yet :) 0 1
(kind of saw it coming though lol)
11 Dutchie 17-04-2019 I loved the first 50 levels, and am glad it's not over yet. 0 1
Looking forward to the next 50 (or 100, 150, 200 ...)
12 Molly Lena 17-04-2019 Great riddle, thanks for sharing - -
13 the artist 18-04-2019 It's been a nice journey till now. 0 1
I love the fact that there is more to go, but I hate I don't know how to start over!
14 Puzzled 18-04-2019 So happy it is not over yet. Thank you for all the fun 0 1
you share with us. I love the Riddler song, it makes me smile.
Millions thanks for all the fun, I really mean it :)
15 Marc 18-04-2019 I HATE the fact the riddle is not over yet. 1 0
(Not really... just thought it would be good to see a "1" in the HATE side)
As always... a fun and entertaining collection of puzzles. Keep up the good work!!
16 Flowerbird 18-04-2019 I have been a riddler for the last 15 years, of course 0 1
I want more :) Great riddle! Thank you!
17 Pichi 18-04-2019 I love that the riddle does not end! Great riddle! 0 1
18 Robin 18-04-2019 - -
19 Cardinal 19-04-2019 I can't wait for the next levels. 0 1
I enjoyed the first 50 so I expect the next levels will be just as good.
20 Keeper 19-04-2019 Love to know that the riddle is not over yet, 0 1
but hate that it's almost Easter and there's no Easter egg in the game!
Thank you for this wonderful game!!
21 clio_rose 19-04-2019 If I laugh half as much in the second half as 0 1
I did in the first half, then I will have had double
the laughs plus another laugh and a half. I definitely
love that the riddle continues and I can use everyone else's
brains, while smiling and having fun. Fun (and cheating) is MY key to solving.
22 Hotaru 20-04-2019 I love the fact that it's not over yet! 0 1
I enjoy the riddles so much I stay up until 4:31 AM... Thanks a lot S-T!
23 Laurie W 20-04-2019 I both love AND hate that the riddle is not over yet. 1 1
I have really been enjoying it, but it would have been
a huge relief to be able to say I finished. It has taken
over most of my free time for the past two days, but I
won't have as much time next week after I have to go back to work.
24 Namchokdef 21-04-2019 I love it, it's the first riddle from Small-Tools that I got 0 1
this far. Thanks for this (fake?) 50 levels. If anyone else
see this, big thanks to them too for all the helps for these
levels. (Secretly I also hate how clever these riddles are and
how it messed my head, but ah well.... Thanks S-T!)
25 Patty3Ponies 21 -04-2019 I hate the fact that it is not over yet and 1 1
love the fact it is not over yet!!!
26 Eric911 22-04-2019 Great job done mate! Like many other riddlers, 1 1
I both love and hate you and the game :-D Back to "work" now !
27 hugoke 22-04-2019 Off course I love the fact the riddle is not over yet!!! 0 1
Really looking forward to more challenging and well
constructed levels. Thanks a lot Small-Tool for another
outstanding riddle !!!
28 Namnet 23-04-2019 I just love that the riddle isn't over yet! 0 1
Looking forward to more interesting levels :)
29 LisaK 23-04-2019 Loved having to learn Paint enough to put that puzzle 0 1
together; so proud of myself. Loved learning the word
'festschrift'! Really REALLY hated level 45 haha! Drove me nuts =P
Such a sweet addiction; many many thanks S-T xoxox
30 Sharon 23-04-2019 Loving it? You betcha! Never got this far before and well... - -
...some say it's an obsession, I say its passion!!
31 Candi 23-04-2019 "Love this riddle, elated there is more!" 0 1
32 rbud57 24-04-2019 I'm happy there is more to come, 0 1
as it's been great fun so far! Thanks so much for the riddle!
33 Chael615 24-04-2019 I love this riddle but I hate that I don't have as much time 1 1
to play it as I want.
34 marisuga 26-04-2019 I hate the fact that I love that the riddle isn't over yet 0 1
35 MishuAnubis 28-04-2019 I hate AND love that riddle is not over. 1 1
36 Pamster00 28-04-2019 So glad the riddle goes on. 0 1
So happy I wrote the answers down.
(Secretly hoping to help somebody.)
Cursing your name while banging head.
(S-T, may your rust wrench!)
I know why the square peg sings
(Level XXXIV isn't level 34?)
37 Rovena 29-04-2019 It has been a lot of time since I solved a riddle and even 0 1
more time since I created my two riddles...
I like this challenge made by you and I "love the fact the riddle is not over yet"...
You could have some more artistic pics and also some of the rotten eggs are
disgusting, but the final result is good.
38 Truus 30-04-2019 OMG !! I really HATE the fact that we were (sm)all-fooled by 0 1
this little evil dude (anagram : de Duivel. Whahahaaa...!)
But I really LOVE how, and most of all why, you fooled us like you did.
Nice one ST ! And that goes for your riddle too. :D
39 Abraxxass 2-05-2019 I really like this riddle. 0 1
I'm looking forward to the next levels.
40 D.Quijote 2-05-2019 I love the riddle. - -
41 Di999 9-05-2019 I am happy that the game goes on – did realise this from 0 1
other people’s comments. I usually play escape games
Amajetto, Self Defiant, 365 games and similar. I did play your
first riddle game (just a few riddles) but got stuck on the second one and couldn’t
progress. I am delighted to have reached this far and have kept notes all the way
along. I have also used people’s advice and especially clio_rose, puzzled, enzed,
keeper, aaaasa, Ellie, Eric911, Donas727 as well as your own helpful hints to others.
Thank you so much as this game has so far taken me a long but very enjoyable time
and I hope I have learnt a lot about solving riddles on the way. We’ll see.
42 Zodiac 10-05-2019 Such good riddle game so far, enjoying it. Also wanna 0 1
thank my girlfriend Deniz who helped me in some of the levels.
43 Jan 22-05-2019 Of course, as long as the riddle continues, I will not stop loving it. 0 1
I am grateful to the people who taught me a lot, Google Translate,
and "the great small-tool". ありがとうございました。
43 BlackFiresong 10-06-2019 I love the fact that the riddle is not over yet! 0 1
Thank you, small-tool, for your inimitable riddle-
making genius. I can't wait to tackle the next 50
levels! I hope there aren't any diabolical
Omega-style pyramids to solve this time around...
44 a.f. 26-06-2019 It's very good, I love to solve it. Thank you very much. - -
45 Ditg 15-10-2019 As much as it frustrates me sometimes, it is exhilarating when it
finally clicks in and it is solved.
Thank you for giving me something to do on my breaks at work. 0 1
46 BucksDack 25-10-2019 I love that the riddle is not over yet! Long live the riddles! 0 1
47 jpete 04-04-2020 Love the game. Back at level I trying to figure out how to move forward. - -
48 Jason 08-04-2020 I'm loving these brain games. They are really well done. 0 1
49 tialuisa 17-05-2021 Am continuing to enjoy your riddles so much. 0 1
I appreciate the warm up levels at the beginning. They make
me think that my riddle solving abilities have somehow improved.
And then once more I fall into the abyss...
50 Bine 28-12-2021 Love that it isn't over hate that I'm stuck now again :-) 0 1
51 akicer 17-10-2023 And of course I love the riddle 0 1